Growing older is a privilege.


Greetings, friends. I know it’s been a while. Sometimes you just need a break to take stock of … life.

The last month since dislocating my hip has been frustrating. Frustrating because I have taken a thousand steps backwards and where is the fun or progress in that?! One thing I can’t stand is complaining so I will try not to do just that.

Things were progressing before the dislocation and I was really looking forward to getting my life back and I honestly felt in every fiber of my being that THIS was MY year. This was going to be the year where I would be walking – working – driving – fully living! And perhaps that will still happen, it is just delayed. Again.

And the last thing I will harp on is how I am so over these medical bills. Each year I say, “this has to be the last year of medical bills” and yet here we are once again. Stop the madness already!

Now that I have said my peace on all of that, one thing I have always said is that growing older is a privilege. Ever since I had cancer as a teenager (many moons ago!) I absolutely love my birthday and growing older. Not only is it a privilege to grow older – with age comes wisdom.ย Wisdom to know that even when there are setbacks, you can and will get through them. Maybe not as quickly as one would like, but still, we rise.

I hope I have the privilege of sharing my journey with y’all for many, many years to come. It will go from utterly frustrating to triumphant! This is my hope and I am strong enough to know that I will fight tooth and nail to have this ordeal behind me.

Until next time, be well and go out and do a random act of kindness. Please.


4 thoughts on “Growing older is a privilege.

  1. Julie: I feel so sorry for you. I can not believe that the battle still goes on. This may be silly but I teared up reading this post. I know we go back a long way and our contact was minimal. You have remained pleasant memory to me. You have used an amazing amount of strengh, character perseverance, that I don’t believe many people possess. Please keep up the fight and spirit, you can do this and show the world what a heroine you are. God bless ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


    1. Mr. Ketchum,

      Thank you for your kind words. This has been a very long three years and this setback, well, stinks! BUT! I will continue to press on.
      You have a special place in my heart for the kindness you extended to me many years ago.
      Thank you for being a positive light!


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